2025 Calendar

SAPS Accreditation


All applicants must state which section or sections in which they wish to actively participate for completing their safety test. Members will only qualify for an access key TWELVE MONTHS after acceptance of membership.
Membership of the Club may be limited at the discretion of the Club Committee and any prospective members may be interviewed by the Club Committee, before being admitted into the Club.
Each candidate for selection shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member, both of whom shall be members in good standing. The candidate must be known to the proposer and the seconder. All applications for membership shall be accompanied by a duly completed application form, signed by the candidate, or in the case of a minor, by his legal guardian.
The full Entrance fee and pro rata subscription, appropriate to the class of membership applied for, shall accompany the application. All application correspondence shall be submitted electronically.
All applicants will be tested on their range safety and firearms handling knowledge by a Range Officer designated by the Club Committee or by a Club Official within SIX months of the date of application. All applications for membership shall be considered by the Club Committee, at its first ordinary meeting, after the receipt of the nomination. The final decision rests with the Club Committee.
Every member shall:pay the Annual Affiliation Fees of the South African Gun Owners’ Association (SAGA). THIS REQUIREMENT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE AND IS A PREREQUISITE CONDITION OF A MEMBER’S CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB; Members and prospective members must familiarise themselves with the scope of the Public Liability Insurance Cover provided by SAGA and ensure that members and guests, using the facilities of the club, only do so in a manner that they are properly covered by such Public Liability Insurance.

Application Form

Range Rules